Terms of purchase

The purchase of agricultural raw materials shall be made exclusively on the basis of an official Purchase and Sale Agreement concluded between the Supplier and Introforus LLC. To conclude the Contract, the Supplier shall submit certified copies of the following documents:

  • certificate of state registration (obligatory);
  • tax registration certificate (obligatory);
  • Memorandum of Association;
  • articles of association;
  • documents confirming the powers of persons acting on behalf or in the interests of the counterparty (for a person performing the functions of the sole executive body - a decision and order of appointment, for representatives of legal entities - a simple written power of attorney, for representatives of entrepreneurs - a notarized power of attorney);
  • passport of each person authorized to sign on behalf of the counterparty;
  • a document confirming the application of a special tax regime (simplified taxation system, unified agricultural tax, etc.);
  • the last VAT declaration submitted to the tax authorities with the tax authority's stamp of acceptance of the declaration (provided that it is a VAT payer).

The terms of purchase are determined with the seller on a case-by-case basis and consist of various delivery bases.

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